Become a Partner

Partnership investments in Visit Cincy vary by organization type (i.e. hotel, restaurant, attraction). To find out the appropriate partnership level for your company, contact our team at 513-399-6887, or fill out the following membership application and a Visit Cincy representative will contact you regarding payment information.

I/We, the undersigned, fully support the fundamental mission of Visit Cincy and subscribe to the following principles:

  1. To pursue an assertive, favorable, and consistent effort to promote the region as a major leisure, meetings/incentive, and trade show travel destination.
  2. To provide every visitor to the Cincy Region with all possible courtesy and service in recognition of Cincy's well-known reputation for friendliness and hospitality.
  3. To support, foster, and enhance the infrastructure of facilities and services which provide the maximum positive experience for the visitor while visiting the Cincy Region.

I/We agree to provide a link on our website to Visit Cincy’s site,, to provide maximum shared value to our guests and visitors considering the Cincy Region. Hotel partners: We agree that leads from Visit Cincy are confidential and intended to stay within Hamilton County.

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