Scientific and Engineering Meetings in Cincy

Host your meeting where scientific breakthroughs happen

CincyTech supports entrepreneurs building high-potential technology companies through management assistance, seed capital investments and connections to other resources.

  • The Cincinnati area has an unusually high concentration of - and competitive advantage for - companies in a number of key industries, including aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, brand design & creative services, chemistry, financial services, IT services, and consumer goods.
  • Cincy profits from a robust and diverse IT ecosystem with a rich concentration of seven Fortune 500 and eleven Fortune 1000 companies, a strong network of highly-rated academic institutions, a breadth of global IT service providers, world-class infrastructure, and passionate, engaged IT leadership.
  • Cincinnati is home to nearly 300 businesses involved in the manufacturing of basic and specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals; soaps and cleaners; flavorings; printing inks; adhesives, paints, and coatings; and plastics and rubber products.
  • R&D in polymer science, membranes for fuel cells, and nanotechnology-as well as spin-offs from genetic and pharmaceutical research-are becoming increasingly important to Cincy. These initiatives are strongly tied to federally-funded research and industry-university partnerships at Cincy’s universities and hospitals. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has funded the industry-university cooperative research center at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Engineering's Center for Membrane Applied Science and Technology (MAST), a dual-site research center involving faculty and students from both UC and the University of Colorado.
  • Smaller companies headquartered in Cincinnati offer specialized R&D in niche industries:
    • Griffin Industries, Inc. is a privately owned rendering and food by-product recycling company specializing in biodiesel production.
    • HiTech Polymers Inc. is a custom compounder of specialty and thermoplastic resins for the consumer, medical, electronics, packaging, construction, and automotive industries
jeff simic

Jeff Simic, CTA Senior Sales Manager

Markets: Business Trade, National Association, Medical, State Associations

"Cincinnati is excellent. Everything is downtown; you could walk to just about every entertainment venue, restaurant or shopping area and feel safe when taking in the nightlife. Our attendees loved the city."

- Gwen Mathis, Conference Coordinator, Society of Plastics Engineers