A unique and magical place
The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati is a unique and magical place full of history right here in the heart of our region. It’s a theater for children. The common misconception is that The Children’s Theatre has only kids on stage. This misunderstanding is obvious as soon as you attend your first performance. It’s a professional theater with professional actors that puts adults in adult roles and children in child roles. The Broadway-quality productions are specifically designed for families and children. And they are spectacular!
On the main stage
We are so fortunate to have this remarkable place that really brings art to life for children with the amazing programs offered. Between the three main programs – Mainstage performances at the Taft theatre, TCT on Tour with workshops, and TCT Academy – they are reaching an astounding 175,000 people each season!
The Mainstage at the Taft is a bit of an anomaly in the world of children’s theaters. No other children’s theater in the country has such an impressive 2,200-seat house to work with. The theater has steadily increased their ticket sales over the past few years proving it’s a growing and fantastic organization for the region.
Beyond the main stage
TCT has more than just the Mainstage productions, though. The theater's Red Bank facility is booming, too. The recently-built facility added eight studio spaces, a theater, a main stage rehearsal hall, a costume shop, and it also houses the administration offices. The 152-seat auditorium is smaller than Taft Theatre allowing the theater to take more risks in the productions offered. They are also able to offer longer-run productions within this space, which is another benefit.
TCT Academy is the exception and actually does put kids ON the stage. There are four sessions a year that offer art training to children. The kids learn a variety of skills including voice, drama, dance, audition prep, stage makeup classes, improv, hip hop and ballet. They even offer adult classes and one-week summer camps. The TCT Academy programs serve about 600 kids each year.
The Children’s Theater of Cincinnati is a very special place with so many amazing and age-appropriate ways to introduce children to the theater and to the magic of the performing arts. Beyond Mainstage productions, take some time to dig in to all they have to offer on your next visit to town. They really are a theater FOR children.