Tucker’s Restaurant has been nominated for Reader’s Digest’s “Nicest Places in America” contest. The nomination, submitted by the Cincinnati USA Convention & Visitors Bureau, highlights Tucker’s neighborly niceness, inclusivity and the community’s unwavering support of the local mainstay. Noting the restaurant’s recent comeback after a kitchen fire in 2015, the nomination reads, “Mirroring the kindness and hospitality of Tucker’s, the community came together to lift up one of its own.”



View the Tucker's Restaurant nomination on ReadersDigest.com here.

Nominations for the contest will be narrowed down to five finalists, set to be announced on June 21. Readers will then be able to vote online for the “Nicest Place in America.” The winning place will be announced online this fall and featured on the cover of the November issue of Reader’s Digest.

Please join us in supporting Tucker’s Restaurant by sharing the nomination using the hashtag #NicestPlaceinAmerica or by leaving a comment on the nomination. Check www.rd.com/nicestplaces on June 21 to see if Tucker’s was selected as a finalist.