This month’s first link is Event Manager Blog’s Event Budget Calculator.
This is more than just a calculator. It’s an in-depth guide to everything you need to know about creating a budget for your event. From terms to know, to issues that arise around budgeting, to ways to cut your budget, this comprehensive article has it all.
More to Read
6 Event Technologies Transforming Sponsorship (Eventbrite)
This post provides new benefits ideas for your event sponsors. If you are looking for more revenue sources for your next event, then this article will direct you to what you need to know.
The Email Newsletter Renaissance is Here. Are You Ready? (Associations Now)
With all of the automation options out there, it’s easy to become too reliant on these tools in our email newsletters. However, time and time again, it’s been proven that creating the one-on-one connection will make your members more likely to open your newsletter. This article outlines how.
How to Use Google Analytics to Improve Your Website & Marketing Strategy (Social Media Today)
Do you still see Google Analytics as a passive tool? This infographic takes you through the steps to making it an integral part of any online campaign.
Developing an Association Community that Evolves into Action (Velvet Chainsaw)
We love seeing our members become more involved with projects and spreading the word about our events. Velvet Chainsaw talks about how cultivating a sense of belonging among your members can lead to exactly what you need.
What great blog posts did you read this month?